Annie Garthwaite – The King’s Mother (BMF Talk)

Sunday 18th August, 1pm to 2pm

£8 per person, pre-booking advised.


*A Bosworth Medieval Festival Ticket must be purchased to attend this event*

1461. Through blood and battle Edward has gained England’s throne – king by right and conquest – eighteen years old and unstoppable. Cecily has piloted his rise to power and stands at his shoulder now, first to claim the title King’s Mother.

But to win a throne is not to keep it and war is come again. As brother betrays brother, and trusted cousins turn treacherous, other mothers rise up to fight for other sons. Cecily must focus her will to defeat every challenge. Wherever they come from. Whatever the cost.

For there can be only one King, and only one King’s Mother.

Join bestselling author Annie Garthwaite for this captivating talk as she reveals her latest novel: The King’s Mother.

A book signing will be held after Annie’s talk, so come and say hello! Copies of Annie’s book will also be available for purchase.

Tickets are £8 per person and can now only be purchased on site during the Festival.

*A Bosworth Medieval Festival Ticket must be purchased to attend this event*

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