Home schooling learning sessions
These session are under development, but there are some helpful online learning aids here
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Available Sessions
This is a full directory of the learning sessions we offer across our range of venues and providers. You can use the 'heart' icon to build up, and enquire about, your own shortlist of desired sessions.
You might also want to look at our available packages that are ready to book.

Battlefield Detectives Learning Package
Discover the skills to find a lost battlefield, recreate what happened at Bosworth while walking the Battlefield Trail and see the finds discovered by archaeologists in the interactive exhibition. Suitable…

Battlefield Detectives Session
Only available as part of the 'Battlefield Detectives' package. Pupils become detectives using deductive skills and reasoning to see what they can learn from archaeological discoveries and historical objects.

Bosworth Shopping and gift bags (optional session)
We have a well-stocked and efficiently staffed shop, ideal for a quick retail opportunity to be scheduled in between sessions. This also a useful opportunity for your pupils to learn…

Only available as part of the 'Life in Roman Britain' package. Queen Boudica enlists the help of the students to become part of her army.

Guide-led tour of the exhibition – Group session
Get the most out of the Bosworth exhibition with a tour led by one of our guides.

Guided walk of the Battlefield Trail- Group session
Discover the latest information about the Battle of Bosworth, while walking in this historic landscape.

Guided Walks of the Battlefield Trail
One of Bosworth’s knowledgeable guides will bring the events of the battle to life through lively interpretation and object handling.

Hallaton Treasure – Character Session & Activities
Only available in the Hallaton Treasure package.

Hallaton Treasure – Gallery Trail
Only available in the Hallaton Treasure Package.

Harborough Gallery visit
Explore the galleries and all the stories they tell.

Impact! – Session
Only available in the Impact package. Discover the small and huge impacts of the Battle of Bosworth, find out what happened here in 1485 and why it was so important…

Indoor talk and Sundial walk – Group session
An entertaining combination of indoor talk and short guided walk to learn the key facts around the Battle of Bosworth.

Invaders! – Character Session
Only available as part of the Invaders package. Discover the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings in the Melton area in this hands on and fun session

Invaders! – Gallery Activities
Only available as part of the Invaders package. Self-led activities within the gallery to deepen understanding of the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings.

John the Archer – Outreach
A costumed archer explains the make-up of medieval bows and arrows, and the role of the archer on the battlefield and on the hunting ground.

Life of a Roman Soldier – Outreach
This session explores the reality of life in the army in Roman Britain.

Plants, Plagues & Potions – Session
This session includes hands-on investigations, practical thinking, object handling and drama, and aims to encourage the pupils to work scientifically whilst learning about the past. Perfect for a local history…

Roman Archaeology
Only available as part of the 'Life in Roman Britain' package. Through seeing and handling actual Roman artefacts and finding out about the Roman archaeology that has taken place at…

Roman Games and Pottery Handling
To complement our Life in Roman Britain sessions, we can offer this extra session which may help fill the day during your visit. We have some Roman games to learn…

Roman Ramble
To tie in with our Life in Roman Britain sessions, this self-led activity gives the opportunity for your class to visit the site of the Roman Temple discovered during the…

Roman Soldier
Only available as part of the 'Life in Roman Britain' package. Children explore the life of a roman soldier as the army prepares to tackle Boudicca's rampaging rebel army.

Self-led Exhibition Visit
Our award-winning exhibition brings to life the story of the Battle of Bosworth and this fascinating period of history. Follow the four medieval characters to find out about the lives…

Short guided walk to the Memorial Sundial – Group session
Discover the key facts of the Battle of Bosworth while overlooking the Battlefield itself.

Step inside the Manor

The Bosworth Soldier
Learn about a variety of weapons from dagger to cannon, recruitment, the make-up of an army, wounds and treatment, tactics, campaign life, transportation, getting to battle, food and rations, sieges, war horses,…

The Bosworth Soldier – Outreach
Learn about a variety of weapons from dagger to cannon, recruitment, the make-up of an army, wounds and treatment, tactics, campaign life, transportation, getting to battle, food and rations, sieges, war horses,…

The Bosworth Soldier & Archer
Discover how often archers had to train, how effective the bodkin arrow was against armour and where an archer kept his spare bow string, handle a bow and arrow and…

The Soldier’s Story Package
Discover the life of a Medieval soldier fighting in the Battle of Bosworth in a fun filled learning package using the award wining exhibition, character-led living history and an expert-led…