Essential booking information

Thank you for thinking about making a booking with Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Centre. Please consider the points below before completing the online School Booking Form.

  • We start to check facilitator availability once we have received the online School Booking Form. Please therefore send this through as early as possible to avoid disappointment.
  • Your itinerary will be sent to you approximately 2 weeks before your visit.
  • A 15 min slot to drop off bags is built into the itinerary anytime from 9.45am but please be aware that your first school activity cannot start until 10am.

Please ensure that you read the Terms and Conditions (below). These will also be sent with your confirmation letter. 

Terms and conditions

To ensure the smooth running of learning at Bosworth, we request that you read our Terms and Conditions. 

Bosworth Battlefield – School Visit Terms & Conditions

Pre-visit for educators

We encourage all teachers to make a free pre-visit to the site. Please contact us in advance to arrange your visit, by calling 01455 290429 or emailing All educators are very welcome to bring up to 3 children and 1 adult for FREE with them as part of the pre-site visit.

Activities before, during and after your visit

The sessions on site will engage and educate, but we do recommend you do some pre-visit learning about the relevant topics. 

Please also let us know if there is anything particular that your class would like to cover during your time at Bosworth.

We really value your feedback, which allows us to give praise where it is due and work to further improve our offer as necessary, so please do talk to your class and return the completed evaluation form after your visit.

Find out more/make enquiry

Our team is always happy to talk about options for your visit so please call us on  01455 290429 or email

Health and safety

Lunch spaces & shopping

  • Lunch spaces

    If the weather is fine, we have plenty of outdoor space and tables for picnics. Otherwise we have wooden cabins which can be used for coat and bag storage as well as lunch.

  • Shopping and gift packs

    We have an excellent shop on site which offers a wide range of items for all purses. Please ensure shopping is included in your booking form if you wish to do it. The staff are friendly and helpful with young visitors.

    The booking form also has an option for gift bags if you don’t have time to shop..

Practical information

  • Access and parking

    Free coach parking for school visits

  • Toilets

    Two sets with two accessible toilets.

  • Storing bags and coats

    Coats and lunch bags are stored in the cabins and the Bosworth Discovery Zone on arrival. Coats are likely to be needed on the guided walks and some of the Living History activities.

  • Photography

    From time to time, we like to update our photographs of learning sessions. We will ask you in advance if we wish to record your session, so you can organise permission forms with parents. 

  • Use of the collections

    We ask that you treat all of our artefacts with great care and respect.